On June 18th, 2006 the New Life Riders Chapter (CMA) attended the Rockpoint Church's Fathers Day, Car and Bike show as well as the morning service. We had Don & Susan Potter, NE TX Area CMA Rep's as well as six NLR chapter members in attendance. We did not win any awards in the bike show although Jay Masterson received special recognition during the service as was able to sit in a front row seat (Lazy Boy recliner) with an end table containing snacks, juice and water, Kelly was able to sit in the front row with him although she wasn't provided with the same quality of seating. Now as to what he did to deserve special seating - the church recognized the youngest father (26), the oldest father (77), the father wich the youngest child
(two weeks [also youngest father] and less than three months), and then Jay came in as the father with the most tatoo's (12).
This is the winner of the auto portion of the car/bike show and was a pretty cool looking vehicle. I'm sorry the picture of the winning bike did not come out due to the lighting conditions (the bikes were inside and the lighting was turned down low). There were lots of cool cars including 1930 model T touring sedan (which was still in original/restored condition).
Of course after the service we HAD to go eat. So off we went to the local A&W/LJS resturant for food and fellowship, we even drug along a few stragglers.