Tuesday, January 16, 2007
  Paula's Prayer Partnering Article for Feburary '07' Newsletter

Thinking of a way to build up one another and to more effectively pray for one another… Randy and I were tossing it around after the officers meeting this past Thursday evening… and this idea came up:

Each member of the chapter should ask one other person to be their prayer partner. Women ask women and men ask men. If you are married, you should definitely be praying for one another but this is above and beyond that so married couples need to do this with others in the chapter as well. If anyone has already asked you to be their prayer partner and you said yes and someone else asks you to be theirs, you can still say yes. You may have only one prayer partner or you might have 2 or more. The idea is that those who agree to be one another’s prayer partners will do this:

1) Be willing to be accountable to one another. Such as asking for prayer for problem areas in your life and expecting your prayer partner to ask you how you are doing in that area from time to time since they WILL be praying for you specifically in that area.

2) Pray specifically for one another when you will be going to events to witness, even if you are both there, you will be praying specifically for one another.

3) This would be someone you would call to pray for you directly when you get sick or perhaps some other distress in your life.

4) I think you get the idea…

The idea is that you would build a close relationship with this prayer partner that would be a combination uplifting, encouraging, accountability, mentoring, and discipleship type relationship.

James 5:16 “Therefore, confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another, so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.”

Glory to God,

Paula Miller, Treasurer

New Life Riders, CMA Austin, Texas

"Now to Him who is able to do exceeding abundantly BEYOND all that we ask or think, according to the power that works WITHIN us, to Him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus to all generations forever and ever. Amen." Ephesian 3: 20-21
  Feburary '07' Newsletter Article

The CMA logo worn as a patch on our backs is called a 'back patch' (also called 'colors') in the motorcycling world. There are a few things to remember about the CMA back patch. One is that it is a registered trademark. It can only be worn by CMAer's who have completed the ministry team program or who were members prior to the date when the requirement to complete a ministry team training was added (early 1990's). It should not have any territorial rockers (city, state, chapter, etc.) but it can have a rocker with your name, CMA nationally appointed position, ministry team and ministry team year on them (CMA Handbook page I-5). If you choose to wear an American flag on your vest, it must be on the left side of the vest with the star field closest to your heart, with no other patches or pins above it. Remember you are representing CMA when you are wearing their back patch so do so with integrity.

Anyone who practices, by word or deed, anything that would discredit the testimony of Jesus Christ or the ministry of CMA will be asked to remove their CMA back patch. If a member is asked to remove or return their back patch, no reimbursement should be expected, nor given by CMA or its affiliates. (CMA Handbook page I-5).

There is more information in the CMA Handbook about representing CMA with integrity. If you are not familiar with it, I would suggest you take some time to read the CMA Handbook, Revision #1, dated 01/06. If you don't have one, Paula and I have a copy at the meetings or you can contact me and I can get you the PDF file.

At the January officers meeting, we were discussing the need for prayer support for one another within the chapter. Paula and I were discussing this further and she described a system/model that I think is very workable and appropriate for us to adopt. So I asked her to put it down in writing. When she did, I thought it best to just publish her idea. So it is in this issue - I would like everyone to have at least one prayer partner. We will only be effective as we grow in Christ and in following His ways. One of the main ways we do this is by prayer.

Pray! Pray! Pray!

Your Servant and President,

  January '07' Newsletter Article

First of all, I'd like to thank all of you for your vote of confidence in me by electing me as your President for 2007. I hope to serve you well. If you have any ideas for the chapter, please feel free to bring your ideas to my attention or to attend a Chapter Officer's meeting and bring them up there. Chapter Officers meetings are open to all chapter members.

As to my question at the start - it's not about my position as president, although it could be. But I thought that all of us might be asking that of ourselves once in a while about our involvement in the Christian Motorcyclists Association (CMA).

So I thought we could use a reminder about what CMA is and its purpose. CMA is a non-denominational (meaning - an organization that have not formally aligned itself with an established denomination, evangelical (emphasizing personal conversion and the authority of the Bible), non-profit (not in business to make money) organization with the purpose of reaching people in the highways and byways of life with the gospel (good news) of Jesus Christ and His salvation for all mankind.

CMA is primarily an evangelistic organization. Having chapter socials and rides is an added benefit but not a priority item. Paula and I have been praying and discussing what God would have us do as leaders for the coming year. One item is that we need to grow. Current chapter members (that's you and me) need to continually grow in our spiritual lives. The chapter also needs to grow in numbers so that we have enough people to effectively minister in our area (Austin and the surrounding communities). We all will get burned out if only a few do most of the ‘work’.

In order to work toward these goals, Paula and I, as well as the other officers of this chapter, will start having a visitor information/fellowship time on the third Thursday of each month at our home starting as 7 p.m. Chapter members are also invited to come to meet and fellowship with visitors to our chapter. To help us grow spiritually and have a better understanding of CMA ministry, there will be a ministry training session on the fourth Thursday of the month, again at our home at 7 p.m. This is open to chapter members and those who have decided they want to take the next step in becoming a member of our local chapter. PLEASE, let us know if you plan on attending so we can prepare for the number that will be here, THANK YOU!

Paula and I, as well as our other chapter officers, are committed to helping you and our chapter grow. It is only as we grow in Christ that we can realize the potential that we (individually and as a chapter) can attain. Please be in prayer for your officers, the chapter, and our visitors as we pursue these new activities.

Your servant in Christ,

March 2006 / April 2006 / May 2006 / June 2006 / July 2006 / August 2006 / September 2006 / October 2006 / January 2007 / May 2007 / April 2010 / May 2010 / October 2010 / January 2011 /

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